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- Como formatear una laptop con windows vista home premium free

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5 Ways to Reset Windows Vista - wikiHow


Last Приведу ссылку February 11, This article was co-authored by Matt Ham. Como formatear una laptop con windows vista home premium free узнать больше expanded Computer Formatera Doctor to seven different locations.

He is also a Co-Owner of Repair Life, a full-scale marketing ,aptop specializing in driving both online cmo offline leads to cell phone and computer repair shops windwos device retailers. This article has been viewedtimes. If your Gateway laptop is crashing frequently, or won't boot into Windows, it may windoqs time for a reset.

You can homs a System Restore first, which will attempt to roll your laptop back to a time when it was functioning properly. It's recommended that you try this first, as you won't lose any of your data. If that doesn't work, you can use the Recovery Увидеть больше or a Windows installation disc to perform a factory reset of your Gateway.

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Download Article The ultimate guide to restoring your Gateway laptop to its original factory settings. Explore this Article parts. Related Articles. Part 1. Understand what the System Restore function does. This process will roll your system settings, programs, and drivers back to a previous date.

It wiindows allow нажмите чтобы узнать больше to try to /34412.txt your system to a time when it formmatear working properly. The System Restore will not affect any of your data or documents, but it will remove programs that were installed between now and the restore point you choose.

This is the first recommended step como formatear una laptop con windows vista home premium free fixing your computer, as you don't have to worry about backing up your data. Reboot your laptop and hold the. F8 key. Make sure to start holding it as soon as the computer restarts. This will load the "Advanced Boot Options" menu. Select "Safe Mode with Command Prompt" from the list of options. Some files homee load and after a moment you will be taken to the command prompt. Open the System Restore utility.

The command is a little different if you are como formatear una laptop con windows vista home premium free Windows XP. Windows 7, 8, and Vista - Type rstui.

Select your restore point. A list of available restore points will be displayed along with the time and date as well as a brief summary of why the point was created. Try to select a restore point from before your computer started having problems. You laprop see the points that Windows feels aren't as relevant by checking "Store more restore points".

Wait for the restore process to finish and your computer to reboot. The restore process may take several minutes to complete. You will receive a message when Windows starts informing viista that your system was successfully restored.

Remember that any programs you installed between now and the restore point you selected will need to be reinstalled. Be careful, as one of those programs may have been what was causing the problem! Part 2. I can't get into the "Advanced Boot Options" menu. This is fee the case if you're using a Windows 8 computer, as it often boots too fast for you to access the windowss.

Open the Charms bar in Windows by swiping it wndows the right side of the screen or moving your mouse to the lower-right corner of the windoqs. Click the Settings option and click or tap on "Power". Hold Shift and select "Restart". Your computer will reboot into the Advanced Boot menu. I don't have a restore point that fixes the problem. If you don't have a restore far enough back, or none of the restore points fix the problems you're having, you'll likely need to complete reset the laptop back to factory settings.

See the next section como formatear una laptop con windows vista home premium free instructions. Part 3. Backup your data if possible. Performing a factory reset on your Gateway will erase all of the data on the hard drive, so backup your data if you have important file you need to save.

Click uha for some tips on backing up your data. If you can't boot into Windows, you can use a Linux Live CD to gain access to your files and copy them to an external drive. Click here for instructions on creating a Live CDand click here for instructions on using it. Plug your laptop into an outlet. The factory reset process may unw a while, and losing power in the middle can cause serious problems.

Источник sure it's plugged посмотреть больше before continuing. Reboot your computer and press. You may need to press the keys a couple times in order for them to register.

This will load the Recovery Manager. If prompted by the Windows Boot menu, press Enter. You will be asked several times to confirm that you want to proceed. Starting the restore will erase all of the data on the disk and then reinstall Windows and the programs that came with your laptop. The restore process can take up to an hour to complete. There's an option to keep user data and restore the computer, but this is not recommended on the chance that some of that data is what's causing the computer to not work properly.

Create your account and start using your computer. Once the restore process is complete, the laptop will act as if it has been turned on for the first time after you purchased it.

You will be prompted to create a Windows account and como formatear una laptop con windows vista home premium free your personal settings. I can't access the Recovery Manager. If you've previously formatted the hard drive, vistz have installed a new frree drive, читать статью won't have the recovery partition anymore.

You'll need to use a recovery disc, or a Windows installation disc in order to wipe the computer and reinstall Windows. See the next section for instructions on using one of these discs. Restoring the computer doesn't fix the problem.

If you've completely wiped the laptop and reinstalled Windows using the factory reset process and the problem still isn't gone, the cause is likely a hardware component. Installing a new hard drive or installing new RAM are both fairly straightforward processes, and may be able to fix your problem. You may need to contact Gateway for factory service if laptpo don't help.

Part 4. Locate your recovery disc if possible. Laptops often require a variety of specific drivers, and using the recovery disc is the easiest way to make sure that these get reinstalled when you reset your laptop. If you can't use the Recovery Manager because the recovery partition is gone, try to use the recovery lxptop. You can order new recovery discs from Gateway. Find or create a Windows installation disc if you can't get a recovery disc. If you don't conn a recovery disc for your laptop, you can use a Windows installation disc to wipe and restore your laptop.

You will need a disc for the same version of Windows that's currently installed. If you're using Windows 7 and visga a valid product key, you can create a disc here.

If читать статью using Windows 8 and have a valid product key, you can create a disc here. Reboot your computer and repeatedly press F For Gateways, this is will open the Boot Menu. Repeatedly press this key as soon as the Gateway or Acer logo. Change the boot order.


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